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Local guide in Tenerife

Tenerife is a paradise in the Atlantic Ocean and the largest of the seven Canary Islands.

Politically the island belongs to Spain, geographically to Africa.

For those who live on the island, it feels like a mix between Europe and South America.

I have been living in this beautiful place since 2002 and since then I have been contacted by dozens of Israeli friends and family asking me for recommendations and wanting to know what to do in Tenerife, when to come on holiday, which places are worth visiting, what are the most interesting attractions and many other questions that every traveller wants to know before deciding to take a trip to a place that not many Israelis know or have visited.

After more than 12 years living here, I decided it was time to share my knowledge with anyone interested in Tenerife and thinking about coming here on holiday, travelling or even living here, because the information you can find on travel websites in Israel and around the world will generally lead you to the resorts, hotels and commercial entertainment places that everyone already knows, some of which are very interesting and some of which I recommend as must-see places, but what I really want to introduce you to. to Tenerife, which I know as a local and I will show you Tenerife as no guide or travel company can show you.

My mission is to help you find exactly what you are looking for in Tenerife because one of the most difficult tasks, on an island that hosts over five million tourists a year, is to find beautiful and authentic places and get away from all the hustle and bustle of the commercialised and expensive resorts.

The best food you’ve ever tasted can also be the cheapest.

A cool, cloudy day can turn into a pleasant sunny day if you travel to the right side of the island.

There is so much variety and possibilities on this small island that the right information will ensure that

That your trip to Tenerife will be the best trip you have ever made in your life.

What is so special about the island of Tenerife?
One of the most special things is undoubtedly the pleasant climate all year round and the variety of weather conditions in the different areas of the island. Because the island is very mountainous and in the centre of the island there is a volcano with a height of 3715 metres (El Teide is the highest mountain in Spain) you will find a variety of climates that is unequalled anywhere else in the world. The south side of the island is hot and dry like a desert, the north is green and rainy and on the top of the mountain it snows in the winter months.

In one day you can enjoy sunbathing on the beach on the south side, hike through the rainforests in the north or climb a mountain and look down on the whole island and see the clouds stretching out below like a white sky.
Even after years of living here I am still moved by the sights of this nature, and one of my favourite things to do is to travel together with friends who come from Israel, show them this beauty and be moved again with them as if it was the first time I saw this landscape.

Prices and costs

Although Tenerife belongs to Spain and the European Union, it is much cheaper here than anywhere else in Spain because of the VAT concessions (similar to the VAT concessions in Eilat) and even in touristy places you can find places that serve a beer for only one euro and a meal for a couple for less than twenty euros. Shopaholics will be happy to know that the island of Tenerife is like Deutípri, especially in the capital area of Santa Cruz, but almost everywhere else on the island there are bargains to be found, especially during the sales period which starts in July for the summer season and in January for the winter season.

The Canarian atmosphere is of peaceful restlessness, of freedom, of detachment. Those who have visited Sinai know this feeling, and everyone who visited me in Tenerife spoke of this wonderful feeling of calm and peace and a break from all the stress that is part of life in Israel.

The locals are simply charming and friendly. No rush, no stress, smiling and enjoying the simple life.